Whew! Moving was...well moving. We have finally unpacked and arranged the last of our boxes! It is hard to believe it has been almost a month since we packed up our lives and relocated to Austin, Texas. We've decided that it will be easiest to keep in touch with all our family and friends through a blog, and we hope you find our updates enjoyable as we share a piece our lives with you all! I must admit that it was a bit overwhelming upon our arrival to this new fast-paced city we have embarked on. Although we cannot complain, for this is exactly what the both of us have been yearning for a looonnggg time! So needless to say, we have been busy exploring our new home. Austin has soo much to offer and we are witnessing this everyday!
This past Memorial Day weekend was a fun-filled weekend to say the least. We were able to celebrate a farewell goodbye with our first friend here in Austin, Jeremy! We were sad to see him leave but excited for his new adventure! Nelson and I took Gesabelle on her own little adventure too. As you all know Labrador Retrievers LOVE water, and she is no exception! We spent a couple of hours basking in the sun while Gessie ravaged the Colorado River. We also managed to venture out to New Braunfel's, TX for a rockin' river raft down the Guadalupe River! Our friends Drew and Christi joined us and we had a blast! It was super hot and quite an experience to say the least...

One thing I have come to realize is that Nelson and I have been severely deprived of authentic Mexican food living in South Carolina. The 'Tex-Mex' here in Austin is nothing short of fabulous! We are really looking forward to a summer concert series in Austin that begins this Wednesday! The various live music venues and events is a major attraction to Austin and most of its residents, including us!! We miss and love you all very much! Have a blessed and blissful week :)