This past Memorial Day weekend was a fun-filled weekend to say the least. We were able to celebrate a farewell goodbye with our first friend here in Austin, Jeremy! We were sad to see him leave but excited for his new adventure! Nelson and I took Gesabelle on her own little adventure too. As you all know Labrador Retrievers LOVE water, and she is no exception! We spent a couple of hours basking in the sun while Gessie ravaged the Colorado River. We also managed to venture out to New Braunfel's, TX for a rockin' river raft down the Guadalupe River! Our friends Drew and Christi joined us and we had a blast! It was super hot and quite an experience to say the least...
One thing I have come to realize is that Nelson and I have been severely deprived of authentic Mexican food living in South Carolina. The 'Tex-Mex' here in Austin is nothing short of fabulous! We are really looking forward to a summer concert series in Austin that begins this Wednesday! The various live music venues and events is a major attraction to Austin and most of its residents, including us!! We miss and love you all very much! Have a blessed and blissful week :)