
December...the month of giving!

 December is such a special month as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and say goodbye to yet another year! So we thought now would be the most appropriate time to share a special gift of ours. We have been wanting to share this miraculous gift for sometime, but wanted our family to be the first to know. So now that they've all been informed, Gesabelle wants to show you a picture....

Yes, Nelson and I are expecting our first child, Baby Lewis (for now) on June 4, 2012!!!!!!!
We could not be more excited about this amazing blessing from God and this new chapter in our lives!!!
We have been blessed with a four and half year relationship and six months of marital bliss, and felt that the time was right. It has always been a dream of ours to parent a child or two and God has answered yet another one of our prayers! But there is no denying that these past two months have been ROUGH, and that's an understatement. My first trimester was less than spectacular and I was starting to wonder if I would be able to make it through this pregnancy. I experienced   every   single   symptom one can in the first trimester!! And to make matters worse, I found out after my first appointment that I am anemic. So needless to say, I felt like a worthless walking zombie! But thankfully, Nelson came to the rescue (of course) in more ways than one and helped me get through a day at a time! God willing, I  made it through and I'm coasting in my 14th week of pregnancy!! I would like to especially thank those of you (you know who you are :) for keeping my spirits high and always offering encouraging words! I will be forever grateful for all that you did or say to help me get through!!! We ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue on this journey, and we promise to keep you updated along the way!!

The Lewis's