Nelson has been busy working and playing. He has recently taken an interest in shooting skeet and our neighbor Dwain invited him to go dove hunting a couple of weekends back. They made the truck down towards San Antonio one early Saturday morning and to my surprise, came home with dinner! We grilled up the dove breasts they boys brought back when our friends Drew and Christi came over for a visit on a beautiful Sunday here in Texas. Although dove hunting season is now over, he's already talking about opening day in September. And Baby Lou Lou and I will have no complaints as long as he brings something home to eat :)
Speaking of Baby Lou, I had another appointment this past week. All is well, she is growing and moving like crazy!! I experienced 'quickening' some many weeks ago, but Nelson was able to feel her little kicks the other day for the first time! And it was a strong one...I think she'll take after her mum, and play soccer!We are soooo excited to start piecing together her nursery over these next couple of months. We've decided that we're going to stay away from the traditional 'pink' theme for our little one and incorporate more neutral colors. I was never a big pink lover, and Nelson has no complaints about that! I've spent so much time browsing every baby store, website, ect. looking for a adorable ideas for her nursery and was getting a little frustrated with the generic bedding/decoration options. Baby Lou is so lucky to have such an amazingly creative Gma because she is going to get a one of a kind bedding spread! I've always admired the sewing projects my mom has done for all her children (+ Nelson) and grand children, and now our baby girl will have her own lifetime keepsake to always remember her special Gma!! And I have just fallen in love with little girl clothes...I cannot wait to dress my little sweet pea up! Thanks to her Aunt Lauren, she already has her outfit for a Gamecock football game this fall :)
This upcoming month is going to be super hectic...Nelson is going to his sister Allison's wedding in New Jersey. Although his visit will be short, he is really looking forward to spending some time with our nephew Jeffrey and with the rest of our family from Ohio. I am super excited for the month of March for many reasons, one of which is South by South West (SXSW). It is a huge interactive, film and music festival that takes place every year here in Austin for almost 2 weeks and brings some of the 'greats' to the area. My cousin Leigh and her boyfriend Dean will be visiting us for almost a week while it is going on and we are oh sooo excited!!!
On a somber note, Nelson and I have kept the Hale family in our thoughts and prayers for sometime now. Mr. James Hale ascended to heaven February 2, 2012 after a long and hard fought battle with cancer. Our hearts go out to the entire family for his untimely passing. James (the eldest son) is Nelson's best friend and we pray that him and his family continue to find solace from their friends and family during this difficult time.
We love and miss you all dearly! Take Care.
The Lewis's
We love and miss you all dearly! Take Care.
The Lewis's