It's a good thing we had all our ducks in order because Lorraine sure didn't want to wait until June to meet us! I was admitted for an induction on Memorial Day after my lab work showed my blood pressure was starting to trend upwards. And honestly I didn't mind, I was already nine months pregnant and beyond ready to get the show on the road!
Neither Nelson or I expected the labor process to take as long as it did. I am aware that on average most women labor the longest with their first pregnancy, but I guess I was being a little optimistic and hoping I wouldn't fall into that category. But of course with my luck, 22 hours later (yes, I was in labor for 22 LONG hours) our beautiful daughter Lorraine Coretta Lewis was born at 12:21 pm!
6lbs 10oz 19 in |
We are so in love with our little angel, she has brought joy into our lives that is indescribable. We are so thankful for this beautiful gift God has entrusted us with, he has blessed our lives beyond belief!
All three of us are back at home, trying to settle in and adjust to the change. Sleep around here is non-existent...but we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Gesabelle was so excited to meet her sissy, and wanted so bad to give her lots and lots of kisses. Fortunately Nelson is taking off some time from work to be at home with Lorraine and I until my mom comes on the 11th. Life is so good, not sure it can get much better!
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes...we love and miss you immensely!
Nelson, Corri and Lorraine