
Feeling Springy!

Zrytec has become my new bestfriend....goodness grief, the pollen is outrageous and on a vengeance! But all the luscious scenary is what I've been yearning for months, so many pretty shades of green everywhere. And the flowers. Bluebonnets, Indian paint brush, and milkweed galore! Even our lone cactus in the backyard ( I thought for sure the ridiculously cold winter weather had killed it off) has prickly pears budding...I'm envisioning some homemade margarita's early fall ;)

This past weekend was glorious. Our church, Gateway Community Church had several activities planned for the Holy week. We were able to enjoy a wonderful Good Friday service :) Of course the ONE day I actually want/need to leave work a little early, things got a little crazy the last hour of my shift...nurse problems 101. But as always, God made a way! What would have been a 30+ minute commute ( rush hour traffic in Austin is wicked insane), turned out to be only 15...I walked into the sanctuary as they began the first song of worship :)

My little kitchen helper :) Look at those calf's!!

Easter service was soothing, refreshing, and we left feeling renewed! John 15: 12-13

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

1st annual backyard Easter egg hunt was a success!

Before Mom and Dad joined us for dinner, Nelson and I enjoyed a relaxing couple of hours by the creek while Lorraine indulged in a nap. Sunny skies with a nice cool breeze, chips & salsa, and a fishing pole. It was simplicity and perfection all wrapped up in one pretty bow!

Nelson and Dad by the creek, Mom swinging Lorraine, and Gesabelle catching a scent....what a beautiful view while cooking Easter dinner!


I love all the greenbelts and trails just minutes away from our home. But most of all, I LOVE having super sweet friends to enjoy them with. Ashley and I took our little ones for a stroll earlier today. The air was super crisp this morning, and the sun a shining. Even though we only made it to the first park along the way, Lo and Brodie we're more than satisified!

There is a HUGE shaded sand box you can't see in this picture because it's behind me. Lorraine of course wanted no parts of it, she perfered running barefoot everywhere else. I tried to convince her otherwise, but she won. I'm learning to pick my battles wisely :)

And Lorraine is awake. Round 2 starts now.




It's time!

11 months and 3 days to be exact since my last post on the blog. Over the past several months I've found myself becoming a regular follower of other blog writers, many of which I've simply come to adore. And every time I read someone else's post, I get this little nudge in my heart to sign back on to my all time favorite blog (slightly biased)...Lewis Lane. So here I am! It's been too long. It's time.

Little miss Lorraine keeps us busy, and for that I am so thankful. Each day is a little brighter and the grass a little greener with her sweet soul in this world :)

So instead of 'catching up', I'm going to 'switch it up'. I take a ridiculous amount of pictures when I am with my family. Pure bliss. And although I enjoy looking at snap shots, I love the 'story' that goes with it most. That is where perspectives are shifted and others are able to 'see' what you see. We all have our own chapter/book/novel we are writing. My hope is that you'll enjoy reading our picture book :)

Last night at MOPS ( only the greatest organization for moms with small children EVER....I'll have to save that for another post all together), our guest of honor was lovely Rebecca, creator of RoundtheRocktx.com. I had subscribed to her website about a week before I found out she was going to be at our next MOPS meeting...super random, crazy and ironic ( story of my life). Anyhow, her website is an amazing resource about upcoming community events for all the ages. Last night's meeting was just a condensed overview and she also listed off some other blogs/websites that advertise fun ideas for moms with preschoolers. Which finally leads me to my main point for today...sorry I know this is a long introduction, bare with me, I'm getting there!

Rebecca happily shared some exciting tid bits last night:
Forbes ranked Austin the #1 city to live; Round Rock #4 best suburb in the country for 2014 (#2 & #3 on the suburb list are just 15 minutes east and west of us) I have fallen in love with this area for many of reasons, and apparently so has everyone else. Rebecca listed tons of things to do locally (her condensed version was over 100), and I had only heard of maybe 10-15 on the 'short' list! The cream of the crop is literally at our finger tips, and we are going to welcome it all with open arms.
I love love love having weekdays off. Tuesdays & Thursdays have officially been designated mommy/daughter days in the Lewis home. Bonus: a lot of places offer discounts or free admissions on weekdays! Rebecca reminded us all last night just how important that one on one/ hands on time is with our toddlers. AND how exposing our children to the world around them helps define their character and perspective in the many years to come.

Oh these precious years...they go by too quickly. So we're going to soak it up day by day and make memories that will have us smiling in our dreams. My family and I live in one of the greatest areas in the country (arguably the world), and I want Lorraine to enjoy it with us!


Lo and I went to  The Contemporary Austin- Laguna Gloria to see the 2014 exhibits.  Are you familiar with the artist Charles Long? Honestly, I'd never heard of him. May I suggest google. His exhibits are here in Austin at the Laguna Gloria and Jones Center until Saturday.

3yr olds and under are always free, but Tuesday is free for all :) Laguna Gloria is breathtaking. I wish I would have snapped some photos of the Driscoll Villa on site.

Charles Long's Pet Sounds exhibit: there are 5 of these fiberglass sculptures with these super long railings that wrap around in crazy directions. They have electronic components that vibrate and will make musical percussions when touched. It's pretty incredible, Lorraine was intrigued.

This was my favorite exhibit. Ever heard of the artist Marianne Vitale? Google search her railroad piece, very neat :)

It was a perfect day in the beautiful city I am lucky to call home, with the beautiful child I am lucky to call mine.

Blessings to all,