
Feeling Springy!

Zrytec has become my new bestfriend....goodness grief, the pollen is outrageous and on a vengeance! But all the luscious scenary is what I've been yearning for months, so many pretty shades of green everywhere. And the flowers. Bluebonnets, Indian paint brush, and milkweed galore! Even our lone cactus in the backyard ( I thought for sure the ridiculously cold winter weather had killed it off) has prickly pears budding...I'm envisioning some homemade margarita's early fall ;)

This past weekend was glorious. Our church, Gateway Community Church had several activities planned for the Holy week. We were able to enjoy a wonderful Good Friday service :) Of course the ONE day I actually want/need to leave work a little early, things got a little crazy the last hour of my shift...nurse problems 101. But as always, God made a way! What would have been a 30+ minute commute ( rush hour traffic in Austin is wicked insane), turned out to be only 15...I walked into the sanctuary as they began the first song of worship :)

My little kitchen helper :) Look at those calf's!!

Easter service was soothing, refreshing, and we left feeling renewed! John 15: 12-13

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

1st annual backyard Easter egg hunt was a success!

Before Mom and Dad joined us for dinner, Nelson and I enjoyed a relaxing couple of hours by the creek while Lorraine indulged in a nap. Sunny skies with a nice cool breeze, chips & salsa, and a fishing pole. It was simplicity and perfection all wrapped up in one pretty bow!

Nelson and Dad by the creek, Mom swinging Lorraine, and Gesabelle catching a scent....what a beautiful view while cooking Easter dinner!


I love all the greenbelts and trails just minutes away from our home. But most of all, I LOVE having super sweet friends to enjoy them with. Ashley and I took our little ones for a stroll earlier today. The air was super crisp this morning, and the sun a shining. Even though we only made it to the first park along the way, Lo and Brodie we're more than satisified!

There is a HUGE shaded sand box you can't see in this picture because it's behind me. Lorraine of course wanted no parts of it, she perfered running barefoot everywhere else. I tried to convince her otherwise, but she won. I'm learning to pick my battles wisely :)

And Lorraine is awake. Round 2 starts now.

